Code of Ethics Under all we do should lie ethics — standards of conduct and moral judgment — for upon ethics depend the survival and growth of free institutions and, indeed, civilization? Members of ground transportation companies should recognize that the interest of the industry requires the highest and best use of equipment and personnel. Therefore, we must require adequate equipment and personnel to meet the needs of the public; the building of a functional network among ourselves to insure service and safety for the public; the development of productive relationships among members; and the preservation of a healthful environment for all.

source Such interests impose obligations beyond those of ordinary commerce. They impose grave social responsibility and duty to which we must dedicate ourselves. Members, therefore, should be zealous to maintain and improve the standards of our chosen industry and to share with our fellow members a common responsibility for the integrity and honor of our industry. The term Member should inspire competency, fairness, and high integrity resulting from adherence to a the ideal of moral conduct in business relations. No inducement of profit can ever justify departure from this ideal.

source link In the interpretation of this obligation, Members can take no safer guide than that which has been handed down through the years and embodied in the Golden Rule: The perception that we should behave towards others as we would want them to behave towards us. Accepting this standard as our own, we, as Members of the Maryland Limousine Association, pledge to observe its spirit with high standards of honesty, integrity, and responsibility in all our activities and to conduct our business in accordance with the tenets set fourth. While the Code of Ethics establishes obligations which may be higher than those mandated by law, in any instance where the Code of Ethics and the law conflict, the obligations of the law take precedence.