Triumphant Trumpet

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A trumpet is a musical instrument. It is the highest register in the brass family. Trumpets are among the oldest musical instruments,[1] dating back to at least 1500 BC. They are played by blowing air through closed lips, producing a “buzzing” sound that starts a standing wave vibration in the air column inside the instrument. Since the late 15th century they have primarily been constructed of brass tubing, usually bent twice into a rounded oblong shape. There are several types of trumpet. The most common is a transposing instrument pitched in B♭ with a tubing length of about 148 cm. … Continued

Indie Music Production

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The term indie rock, which comes from “independent,” describes the small and relatively low-budget labels on which it is released and the do-it-yourself attitude of the bands and artists involved. Although distribution deals are often struck with major corporate companies, these labels and the bands they host have attempted to retain their autonomy, leaving them free to explore sounds, emotions and subjects of limited appeal to large, mainstream audiences. The influences and styles of the artists have been extremely diverse, including punk, psychedelia, rock and country. The terms “alternative rock” and “indie rock” were used interchangeably in the 1980s, but … Continued

Clubbing As Subculture

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Roots of clubbing are in disco wave in 1970s, but developing begun in 1980s with evolution of DJ-ing and raves. The subculture took shape in the late 1980s and early 1990s at underground rave parties in the U.S. and London (Reynolds 1998). Numerous social changes have, however, occurred since then to transform this subculture into a mainstream movement, youth-oriented lifestyle and global activity (see Bennett 2001, Reynolds 1998; Hill 2002).From the beginning, clubbing, while it was more rave subculture, has involved mostly younger people between 16 and 25 years of age. A subculture emerged around raves, featuring an ethos of … Continued